Page 27 - FIS World June 2021
P. 27

Parting Thoughts
Many thanks to the entire FIS community for making this most unusual year a resounding success despite all of the unexpected challenges, setbacks and disappointments. As evidenced through the stories within this issue of FIS World, we are a resilient community — dedicated, optimistic, caring,
passionate and determined not to let the pandemic diminish our world of opportunities. From the entire FIS World editorial team to all of you, we wish you good health and a fabulous summer with your families.
  About the back page: As part of their Unit of Inquiry on Sharing the Planet: Global Awareness, Grade 5 students in Katherine Webster’s art class inquired into the power of communication through mixed- media poster art, discovering that art can inform people to become aware and active citizens. Bringing their chosen global inquiries and knowledge from the homeroom to the art room, students further investigated their topics, which resulted in a final “Global Statement.” They learned about the art form of mixed-media and were introduced to political artists, and from there began to plan how they were going to express their “Global Statement” through a mixed-media A4 size poster that would eventually become a Global Awareness Grade 5 collective art mural.
FIS World is a production of Frankfurt International School e.V.
Editorial team (this issue): Marti Boston-Majetić, Anne Flaherty, Nichole Foster, Deirdre Harriet-Boettcher, Leila Holmyard, Angi Jochum, Michael Johnston, Linda Kerr, Dana Matthews, Rita Merrick, Hilary Polomsky, Kathleen Ralf, Katie Thieme, Vera Thiers, Darren Trebel, Louise Wade
Photo credits: Vafa Anderson, Gareth Brewster, Yu Cao, Sarah Elliot, Juliette Gustavsson, Donny Hansen, Leila Holmyard, Linda Kerr, Dana Matthews, Rita Merrick, Loretta Smith, Vera Thiers
Production & Layout: BT Zimpel
Print: PrintMedia Solutions, Frankfurt a. M.
At FIS we care about the environment. FIS World is printed on climate-neutral paper using vegetal ink.

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